import './style.css'; import{ Overlay, Map, View, Geolocation, Feature, } from 'ol'; import { GPX, GeoJSON, }from 'ol/format'; import { Circle as CircleStyle, Fill, Icon, Stroke, Style, Text, } from 'ol/style'; import { DragPan, MouseWheelZoom, defaults } from 'ol/interaction'; import { Cluster, OSM, Stamen, XYZ, Vector as VectorSource, } from 'ol/source'; import {toContext, getRenderPixel } from 'ol/render'; import { Point, } from 'ol/geom'; import { Tile as TileLayer, Vector as VectorLayer, } from 'ol/layer'; import {getBottomLeft, getHeight, getWidth, createEmpty, extend, } from 'ol/extent'; import { ZoomSlider, FullScreen, defaults as defaultControls } from 'ol/control'; import { platformModifierKeyOnly } from 'ol/events/condition'; import {fromLonLat} from 'ol/proj'; import {bbox} from 'ol/loadingstrategy'; if (typeof (a2gMapConfig) !== 'object') { var a2gMapConfig = {}; } const a2gMaps = { mapWrapClass: 'a2g-map-wrap', mapClass: 'a2g-map', convexHullFill: null, convexHullStroke: null, textFill: null, textStroke: null, innerCircle: null, outerCircle: null, initMapConfig: function (config) { if (this.layers.maptiler.a === null) { if (config.api && config.api.maptiler && config.api.maptiler.key) { this.layers.maptiler.a = config.api.maptiler.key; } } if (this.layers.thunderforest.a === null) { if (config.api && config.api.thunderforest && config.api.thunderforest.key) { this.layers.thunderforest.a = config.api.thunderforest.key; } } if (this.convexHullFill === null) { if ( && typeof ( === 'object') { this.convexHullFill = new Fill(; } else { this.convexHullFill = new Fill({ color: 'rgba(255, 153, 0, 0.4)' }); } } if (this.convexHullStroke === null) { if ( && typeof ( === 'object') { this.convexHullStroke = new Stroke(; } else { this.convexHullStroke = new Stroke({ color: 'rgba(255, 153, 0, 0.4)' }); } } if (this.textFill === null) { if ( && typeof ( === 'object') { this.textFill = new Fill(; } else { this.textFill = new Fill({ color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)' }); } } if (this.textStroke === null) { if ( && typeof ( === 'object') { this.textStroke = new Stroke(; } else { this.textStroke = new Stroke({ color: 'rgba(255, 153, 0, 0.4)' }); } } if (this.innerCircle === null) { if ( && typeof ( === 'object') { this.innerCircle = new CircleStyle({ radius:, fill: new Fill( }); } else { this.innerCircle = new CircleStyle({ radius: 14, fill: new Fill({ color: 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.7)' }) }); } } if (this.outerCircle === null) { if ( && typeof ( === 'object') { this.outerCircle = new CircleStyle({ radius:, fill: new Fill( }); } else { this.outerCircle = new CircleStyle({ radius: 14, fill: new Fill({ color: 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.7)' }) }); } } if ( && { this.gpx.initConfig(; } else { this.gpx.initConfig({}); } }, styles: [], mapWraps: [], maps: [], mapConfigs: [], mapObjects: [], gpx: { mapSources: [], mapLayers: [], style: { 'Point': null, 'LineString': null, 'MultiLineString': null }, initConfig: function (config) { if (['Point'] === null) { if (typeof (config.Point) === 'object') {['Point'] = new Style({ image: new CircleStyle({ fill: new Fill(config.Point.image.fill), radius: config.Point.image.radius, stroke: new Stroke(config.Point.image.stroke) }) }); } else {['Point'] = new Style({ image: new CircleStyle({ fill: new Fill({ color: 'rgba(255,255,0,0.4)' }), radius: 5, stroke: new Stroke({ color: '#ff0', width: 1 }) }) }); } } if (['LineString'] === null) { if (typeof (config.LineString) === 'object') {['LineString'] = new Style({ stroke: new Stroke(config.LineString.stroke) }); } else {['LineString'] = new Style({ stroke: new Stroke({ color: '#f00', width: 3 }) }); } } if (['MultiLineString'] === null) { if (typeof (config.MultiLineString) === 'object') {['MultiLineString'] = new Style({ stroke: new Stroke(config.MultiLineString.stroke) }); } else {['MultiLineString'] = new Style({ stroke: new Stroke({ color: '#f00', width: 3 }) }); } } }, init: function (mapId) { var _this = this; if (typeof (a2gMaps.mapConfigs[mapId].gpxSource) !== 'undefined') { _this.mapSources[mapId] = new VectorSource({ url: a2gMaps.mapConfigs[mapId].gpxSource, format: new GPX() }); _this.mapLayers[mapId] = new VectorLayer({ source: _this.mapSources[mapId], style: function (feature) { return[feature.getGeometry().getType()]; } }); a2gMaps.layers.mapLayers[mapId].push(_this.mapLayers[mapId]); } } }, geolocate: { locateMeDoms: [], checkboxClass: 'a2g-map-geolocate-me', geolocations: [], positionFeature: new Feature(), accuracyFeature: new Feature(), mapSources: [], mapLayers: [], setPositionFeatureStyle: function () { this.positionFeature.setStyle( new Style({ image: new CircleStyle({ radius: 6, fill: new Fill({ color: '#fff' }), stroke: new Stroke({ color: '#fff', width: 2 }) }) }) ); }, setMapGeolocations: function (mapId) { var _this = this; _this.geolocations[mapId] = new Geolocation({ // enableHighAccuracy must be set to true to have the heading value. trackingOptions: { enableHighAccuracy: true }, projection: a2gMaps.views[mapId].getProjection() }); _this.geolocations[mapId].on('change:position', function () { const coordinates = _this.geolocations[mapId].getPosition(); _this.positionFeature.setGeometry(coordinates ? new Point(coordinates) : null); }); _this.geolocations[mapId].on('change:accuracyGeometry', function () { _this.accuracyFeature.setGeometry(_this.geolocations[mapId].getAccuracyGeometry()); }); }, setGeolocateMeAction: function (mapId) { var _this = this; _this.locateMeDoms[mapId] = a2gMaps.mapWraps[mapId].getElementsByClassName(_this.checkboxClass); if (_this.locateMeDoms[mapId].length > 0) { _this.setMapGeolocations(mapId); _this.mapSources[mapId] = new VectorSource({ features: [_this.accuracyFeature, _this.positionFeature] }); _this.mapLayers[mapId] = new VectorLayer({ map: a2gMaps.mapObjects[mapId], source: _this.mapSources[mapId] }); } for (var i = 0; i < _this.locateMeDoms[mapId].length; i++) { _this.locateMeDoms[mapId][i].addEventListener('change', function () { _this.geolocations[mapId].setTracking(this.checked); for (var j = 0; j < _this.locateMeDoms[mapId].length; j++) { _this.locateMeDoms[mapId][j].checked = this.checked; } if (this.checked) { _this.mapLayers[mapId].setSource(_this.mapSources[mapId]); } else { _this.mapLayers[mapId].setSource(null); } }); } }, init: function (mapId) { this.setPositionFeatureStyle(); this.setGeolocateMeAction(mapId); } }, popup: { class: 'a2g-map-popup', contentClass: 'a2g-map-popup-content', closerClass: 'a2g-map-popup-closer', content: [], closer: [], overlay: [], init: function (mapId) { if (a2gMaps.mapWraps[mapId].querySelector('.' + a2gMaps.popup.class)) { var popup = a2gMaps.mapWraps[mapId].querySelector('.' + a2gMaps.popup.class); if (popup.classList.contains('d-none')) { popup.classList.remove('d-none'); } if (popup.querySelector('.' + a2gMaps.popup.contentClass) && typeof (this.content[mapId]) === 'undefined') { this.content[mapId] = popup.querySelector('.' + a2gMaps.popup.contentClass); } if (popup.querySelector('.' + a2gMaps.popup.closerClass) && typeof (this.closer[mapId]) === 'undefined') { this.closer[mapId] = popup.querySelector('.' + a2gMaps.popup.closerClass); } if (typeof (this.overlay[mapId]) === 'undefined') { this.overlay[mapId] = new Overlay({ element: popup, autoPan: { animation: { duration: 250 } } }); if (typeof (this.closer[mapId]) !== 'undefined') { this.closer[mapId].onclick = function () { a2gMaps.popup.overlay[mapId].setPosition(undefined); a2gMaps.popup.closer[mapId].blur(); return false; }; } } } } }, layers: { mapLayerSources: [], mapLayerSourcess: [], mapLayers: [], mapLayerSelects: [], mapLayerSwitchers: [], mapCountryOverlay: [], mapLayerSwitcherClass: 'a2g-map-layer-swipe', mapLayerSelectClass: 'a2g-map-layer-select', coutriesGeojsonSource: '/data/countries.geojson', attributions: '© altogether', attributionOpenStreetMap: '© OpenStreetMap', thunderforest: { a: null, baseUrl: '', baseUrlSufix: '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=', getUrl: function (layer) { return this.baseUrl + layer + this.baseUrlSufix + this.a; } }, maptiler: { a: null, baseUrl: '', baseUrlSufix: '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key=', jpgUrlSufix: '/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg?key=', getUrl: function (layer) { if (layer === 'hybrid' || layer === 'openstreetmap') { return this.baseUrl + layer + this.jpgUrlSufix + this.a; } return this.baseUrl + layer + this.baseUrlSufix + this.a; } }, countryLayerStyle: new Style({ fill: new Fill({ color: '#aaa', }), stroke: new Stroke({ color: '#333' }) }), setCountryLayer: function (mapId, layerId, config) { var _this = this; _this.mapCountryOverlay[mapId] = layerId; _this.mapLayerSources[mapId][layerId] = new VectorSource({ url: typeof (config.countryGeoSource) === 'undefined' ? _this.coutriesGeojsonSource : config.countryGeoSource, format: new GeoJSON() }); _this.mapLayers[mapId][layerId] = new VectorLayer({ source: _this.mapLayerSources[mapId][layerId], style: function (feature) { _this.countryLayerStyle.getFill().setColor('#aaa'); return _this.countryLayerStyle; } }); }, setMapXyzLayer: function (mapId, layerId, config) { this.mapLayerSources[mapId][layerId] = new XYZ(config); this.mapLayers[mapId][layerId] = new TileLayer({ source: this.mapLayerSources[mapId][layerId] }); }, setMapOsmLayer: function (mapId, layerId, config) { this.mapLayerSources[mapId][layerId] = new OSM(config); this.mapLayers[mapId][layerId] = new TileLayer({ source: this.mapLayerSources[mapId][layerId] }); }, setMapStamenLayer: function (mapId, layerId, config) { this.mapLayerSources[mapId][layerId] = new Stamen(config); this.mapLayers[mapId][layerId] = new TileLayer({ source: this.mapLayerSources[mapId][layerId] }); }, appendToMapLayerSwitcher: function (mapId, layerConfig, key) { for (var i = 0; i < this.mapLayerSelects[mapId].length; i++) { if (typeof (layerConfig.label) !== 'undefined') { var layerOption = document.createElement("option"); layerOption.text = layerConfig.label; layerOption.value = key; if (typeof ( !== 'undefined' && { layerOption.selected = true; } this.mapLayerSelects[mapId][i].add(layerOption); } else { var layerOption = document.createElement("option"); layerOption.text = key; layerOption.value = key; if (typeof ( !== 'undefined' && { layerOption.selected = true; } this.mapLayerSelects[mapId][i].add(layerOption); } } }, setLayerSwitcherAction: function (mapId) { var _this = this; for (var i = 0; i < _this.mapLayerSelects[mapId].length; i++) { _this.mapLayerSelects[mapId][i] = mapId; _this.mapLayerSelects[mapId][i].addEventListener('change', function (event) { for (var j = 0; j < _this.mapLayerSources[].length; j++) { if (typeof (_this.layerSwitchLayerIds[]) === 'undefined' || _this.layerSwitchLayerIds[] !== j) { _this.mapLayers[][j].setSource(null); } } _this.mapLayers[][this.value].setSource(_this.mapLayerSources[][this.value]); for (var j = 0; j < _this.mapLayerSelects[mapId].length; j++) { _this.mapLayerSelects[mapId][j].selectedIndex = this.selectedIndex; } }); } }, layerSwitchLayerIds: [], init: function (mapId) { var _this = this; if (typeof (_this.mapLayers[mapId]) === 'undefined') { _this.mapLayers[mapId] = []; _this.mapLayerSources[mapId] = []; } _this.mapLayerSelects[mapId] = a2gMaps.mapWraps[mapId].getElementsByClassName(_this.mapLayerSelectClass); _this.mapLayerSwitchers[mapId] = a2gMaps.mapWraps[mapId].getElementsByClassName(_this.mapLayerSwitcherClass); if (typeof (a2gMaps.mapConfigs[mapId].mapLayers) !== 'undefined') { var layerConfig = a2gMaps.mapConfigs[mapId].mapLayers; var initWithoutActiveLayer = true, activeLayerCount = 0; var justOsm = true; for (var i = 0; i < layerConfig.length; i++) { if (typeof (layerConfig[i].layer) !== '' && typeof (layerConfig[i].config) === 'object') { switch (layerConfig[i].layer) { case 'osm': break; case 'country': break; default: justOsm = false; break; } } } for (var i = 0; i < layerConfig.length; i++) { if (typeof (layerConfig[i].layer) !== '' && typeof (layerConfig[i].config) === 'object') { layerConfig[i].config.attributions = _this.attributions; switch (layerConfig[i].layer) { case 'osm': if (justOsm) { layerConfig[i].config.attributions = layerConfig[i].config.attributions + ', ' + _this.attributionOpenStreetMap; } this.setMapOsmLayer(mapId, i, layerConfig[i].config); break; case 'stamen': this.setMapStamenLayer(mapId, i, layerConfig[i].config); break; case 'thunderforest': layerConfig[i].config.url = _this.thunderforest.getUrl(layerConfig[i].config.layer); this.setMapXyzLayer(mapId, i, layerConfig[i].config); break; case 'maptiler': layerConfig[i].config.url = _this.maptiler.getUrl(layerConfig[i].config.layer); this.setMapXyzLayer(mapId, i, layerConfig[i].config); break; case 'country': this.setCountryLayer(mapId, i, layerConfig[i].config); break; } } if (typeof (layerConfig[i].active) === 'undefined' || !layerConfig[i].active) { _this.mapLayers[mapId][i].setSource(null); } else { initWithoutActiveLayer = false; activeLayerCount++; if (typeof (_this.mapLayerSwitchers[mapId][0]) !== 'undefined') { if (activeLayerCount === 2) { for (var j = 0; j < _this.mapLayerSwitchers[mapId].length; j++) { _this.mapLayers[mapId][i].on('prerender', function (e) { const ctx = e.context; const mapSize = a2gMaps.mapObjects[mapId].getSize(); const width = mapSize[0] * (_this.mapLayerSwitchers[mapId][0].value / 100); const tl = getRenderPixel(e, [width, 0]); const tr = getRenderPixel(e, [mapSize[0], 0]); const bl = getRenderPixel(e, [width, mapSize[1]]); const br = getRenderPixel(e, mapSize);; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(tl[0], tl[1]); ctx.lineTo(bl[0], bl[1]); ctx.lineTo(br[0], br[1]); ctx.lineTo(tr[0], tr[1]); ctx.closePath(); ctx.clip(); }); _this.mapLayerSwitchers[mapId][j].addEventListener('input', function () { a2gMaps.mapObjects[mapId].render(); }); _this.mapLayerSwitchers[mapId][j].addEventListener('change', function () { a2gMaps.mapObjects[mapId].render(); }); } _this.mapLayers[mapId][i].on('postrender', function (event) { const ctx = event.context; ctx.restore(); }); _this.layerSwitchLayerIds[mapId] = i; } else if (activeLayerCount > 2) { this.mapLayers[mapId][i].setSource(null); } } else if (activeLayerCount > 2) { this.mapLayers[mapId][i].setSource(null); } } this.appendToMapLayerSwitcher(mapId, layerConfig[i], i); } this.setLayerSwitcherAction(mapId); if (initWithoutActiveLayer) { this.mapLayers[mapId][a2gMaps.layers.mapLayers[mapId].length - 1].setSource(a2gMaps.layers.mapLayerSources[mapId][a2gMaps.layers.mapLayerSources[mapId].length - 1]); for (var i = 0; i < this.mapLayerSelects[mapId].length; i++) { this.mapLayerSelects[mapId][i].selectedIndex = a2gMaps.layers.mapLayers[mapId].length - 1; } } } } }, views: [], controls: [], setMapFeatureLayer: function(mapId){ var _this = this; _this.setFeatureOverlayStyle(mapId, _this.mapConfigs[mapId]); _this.featureOverlay[mapId] = new VectorLayer({ source: new VectorSource(), style: _this.featureOverlayStyle[mapId] }); _this.layers.mapLayers[mapId].push(_this.featureOverlay[mapId]); }, setMapObject: function (mapId) { var _this = this; var center = [ typeof (_this.mapConfigs[mapId].centerLon) === 'number' ? _this.mapConfigs[mapId].centerLon : 0, typeof (_this.mapConfigs[mapId].centerLat) === 'number' ? _this.mapConfigs[mapId].centerLat : 0 ]; _this.views[mapId] = new View({ center: fromLonLat(center), padding: [170, 50, 30, 150], zoom: typeof (_this.mapConfigs[mapId].zoom) === 'number' ? _this.mapConfigs[mapId].zoom : 1, maxZoom: typeof (_this.mapConfigs[mapId].maxZoom) === 'number' ? _this.mapConfigs[mapId].maxZoom : 18, showFullExtent: true }); _this.controls[mapId] = []; if (_this.mapConfigs[mapId].fullScreen && (_this.mapConfigs[mapId].fullScreen === true || _this.mapConfigs[mapId].fullScreen === 'true')) { _this.controls[mapId].push(new FullScreen()); } if (_this.mapConfigs[mapId].zoomSlider && (_this.mapConfigs[mapId].zoomSlider === true || _this.mapConfigs[mapId].zoomSlider === 'true')) { _this.controls[mapId].push(new ZoomSlider()); } _this.mapObjects[mapId] = new Map({ layers: _this.layers.mapLayers[mapId], interactions: defaults({dragPan: false, mouseWheelZoom: false}).extend([ new DragPan({ condition: function (event) { return this.getPointerCount() === 2 || platformModifierKeyOnly(event); } }), new MouseWheelZoom({ condition: platformModifierKeyOnly }) ]), controls: defaultControls().extend(_this.controls[mapId]), target: _this.maps[mapId], overlays: [_this.popup.overlay[mapId]], view: _this.views[mapId] }); // _this.setFeatureOverlayStyle(mapId, _this.mapConfigs[mapId]); // _this.featureOverlay[mapId] = new VectorLayer({ // source: new VectorSource(), // map: _this.mapObjects[mapId], // style: _this.featureOverlayStyle[mapId] // }); if (typeof (_this.mapConfigs[mapId].centerCountry) !== 'undefined' && _this.mapConfigs[mapId].centerCountry === true) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { if (typeof (_this.layers.mapCountryOverlay[mapId]) !== 'undefined') { document.addEventListener('pointermove', function () { if (typeof (_this.executedInitActions[mapId]) === 'undefined') { _this.views[mapId].fit(_this.layers.mapLayerSources[mapId][_this.layers.mapCountryOverlay[mapId]].getFeatures()[0].getGeometry(),{duration: 500, padding: [170, 50, 30, 150]}); _this.executedInitActions[mapId] = true; } }); document.addEventListener('click', function () { if (typeof (_this.executedInitActions[mapId]) === 'undefined') { _this.views[mapId].fit(_this.layers.mapLayerSources[mapId][_this.layers.mapCountryOverlay[mapId]].getFeatures()[0].getGeometry(),{duration: 500, padding: [170, 50, 30, 150]}); _this.executedInitActions[mapId] = true; } }); document.addEventListener('focus', function () { if (typeof (_this.executedInitActions[mapId]) === 'undefined') { _this.views[mapId].fit(_this.layers.mapLayerSources[mapId][_this.layers.mapCountryOverlay[mapId]].getFeatures()[0].getGeometry(),{duration: 500, padding: [170, 50, 30, 150]}); _this.executedInitActions[mapId] = true; } }); document.addEventListener('scroll', function () { if (typeof (_this.executedInitActions[mapId]) === 'undefined') { _this.views[mapId].fit(_this.layers.mapLayerSources[mapId][_this.layers.mapCountryOverlay[mapId]].getFeatures()[0].getGeometry(),{duration: 500, padding: [170, 50, 30, 150]}); _this.executedInitActions[mapId] = true; } }); } }); } }, executedInitActions: [], featureOverlaySource: [], featureOverlayStyle: [], setFeatureOverlayStyle: function (mapId, config) { if (typeof (this.featureOverlayStyle[mapId]) === 'undefined') { if ( && typeof ( === 'object') { if (typeof ( === 'object' && typeof ( === 'object') { this.featureOverlayStyle[mapId] = new Style({fill: new Fill(, stroke: new Stroke(}); } else if (typeof ( === 'object') { this.featureOverlayStyle[mapId] = new Style({fill: new Fill(}); } else if (typeof ( === 'object') { this.featureOverlayStyle[mapId] = new Style({stroke: new Stroke(}); } } else { this.featureOverlayStyle[mapId] = new Style({ stroke: new Stroke({ color: 'rgba(255,255,255, 0.6)', width: 4 }) }); } } }, featureOverlay: [], featureHighlight: [], setMapClickAction: function (mapId) { if (a2gMaps.layers.mapCountryOverlay[mapId] !== null) { a2gMaps.mapObjects[mapId].on('pointermove', function (event) { if (typeof (a2gMaps.layers.mapLayers[mapId][a2gMaps.layers.mapCountryOverlay[mapId]]) !== 'undefined') { a2gMaps.layers.mapLayers[mapId][a2gMaps.layers.mapCountryOverlay[mapId]].getFeatures(event.pixel).then(function (features) { const feature = features.length ? features[0] : undefined; if (feature !== a2gMaps.featureHighlight[mapId]) { if (a2gMaps.featureHighlight[mapId]) { a2gMaps.featureOverlay[mapId].getSource().removeFeature(a2gMaps.featureHighlight[mapId]); } if (feature) { a2gMaps.featureOverlay[mapId].getSource().addFeature(feature); } a2gMaps.featureHighlight[mapId] = feature; } }); } }); } a2gMaps.mapObjects[mapId].on('click', function (event) { var doNot = true; if (typeof (a2gMaps.marker.layers.mapClusters[mapId]) !== 'undefined') { a2gMaps.marker.layers.mapClusters[mapId].getFeatures(event.pixel).then(function (features) { if (features.length > 0) { doNot = false; const clusterMembers = features[0].get('features'); if (clusterMembers.length > 1) { // Calculate the extent of the cluster members. const extent = createEmpty(); clusterMembers.forEach((feature) => extend(extent, feature.getGeometry().getExtent()) ); const view = a2gMaps.mapObjects[mapId].getView(); const resolution = a2gMaps.mapObjects[mapId].getView().getResolution(); if (view.getZoom() === view.getMaxZoom()) { // Show an expanded view of the cluster members. clickFeature = features[0]; clickResolution = resolution; a2gMaps.marker.layers.mapClusterCircles[mapId].setStyle(a2gMaps.marker.layers.clusterCircleStyle); } else { // Zoom to the extent of the cluster members., {duration: 500, padding: [170, 50, 30, 150]}); } } else { // fill single click if (typeof (clusterMembers[0]['values_']['popup']) !== 'undefined') { a2gMaps.popup.content[mapId].innerHTML = clusterMembers[0]['values_']['popup']; a2gMaps.popup.overlay[mapId].setPosition(clusterMembers[0].getGeometry().getCoordinates()); } } } }); } if (a2gMaps.layers.mapCountryOverlay[mapId] !== null && typeof (a2gMaps.layers.mapLayers[mapId][a2gMaps.layers.mapCountryOverlay[mapId]]) !== 'undefined') { a2gMaps.layers.mapLayers[mapId][a2gMaps.layers.mapCountryOverlay[mapId]].getFeatures(event.pixel).then(function (features) { if (doNot) { const feature = features.length ? features[0] : undefined; if (feature !== undefined && feature.get('popup') !== undefined) { a2gMaps.popup.content[mapId].innerHTML = feature.get('popup'); var lon = 0.0, lat = 0.0, x = 0; for (var i = 0; i < feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates().length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates()[i].length; j++) { lon += feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates()[i][j][0]; lat += feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates()[i][j][1]; x++; } } lon = lon / x; lat = lat / x; a2gMaps.popup.overlay[mapId].setPosition([lon, lat]); a2gMaps.views[mapId].fit(feature.getGeometry(),{duration: 500, padding: [170, 50, 30, 150]}); } } }); } }); }, marker: { markerSwitcherClass: 'a2g-map-marker-visible-switcher', markerSwitchers: [], setMarkerSwitcherAction: function (mapId) { var _this = this; _this.markerSwitchers[mapId] = a2gMaps.mapWraps[mapId].getElementsByClassName(this.markerSwitcherClass); for (var i = 0; i < _this.markerSwitchers[mapId].length; i++) { _this.markerSwitchers[mapId][i].addEventListener('change', function (e) { if (this.checked) { _this.layers.mapClusters[mapId].setSource(null); _this.layers.mapClusterCircles[mapId].setSource(null); } else { _this.layers.mapClusters[mapId].setSource(_this.layers.mapClusterSources[mapId]); _this.layers.mapClusterCircles[mapId].setSource(_this.layers.mapClusterSources[mapId]); } for (var j = 0; j < _this.markerSwitchers[mapId].length; j++) { _this.markerSwitchers[mapId][j].checked = this.checked; } }); } }, icons: { costumIconsDataTag: 'icons', costumIconsUrlTag: 'iconsUrl', costumIconsId: 'a2g-costum-icons', defaulMarkerIcon: '', defaultMarkerIconDataAttribute: 'defaultMarkerIcon', costumIcons: [], mapIcons: [], defaultIcons: [], fillCostumIconsHelper: function (costumIcons, mapId) { if (a2gMaps.mapConfigs[mapId].defaultMarkerIcon) { this.defaultIcons[mapId] = new Icon({ src: a2gMaps.mapConfigs[mapId].defaultMarkerIcon }); } else { this.defaultIcons[mapId] = new Icon({ src: this.defaulMarkerIcon }); } for (let i = 0; i < costumIcons.length; i++) { if (typeof (costumIcons[i].uid) !== 'undefined') { if (typeof (this.costumIcons[costumIcons[i].uid]) === 'undefined') { if (typeof (costumIcons[i].icon) === 'undefined') { this.costumIcons[costumIcons[i].uid] = null; } else { this.costumIcons[costumIcons[i].uid] = new Icon({ src: costumIcons[i].icon }); } } } } }, fillCostumIcons: function (mapId) { if (document.getElementById(this.costumIconsId)) { this.fillCostumIconsHelper(JSON.parse(document.getElementById(this.costumIconsId).dataset.content), mapId); } }, clusterMemberStyle: function (clusterMember) { if (typeof (clusterMember.get('icon')) === 'undefined' || typeof (this.costumIcons[clusterMember.get('icon')]) === 'undefined') { return new Style({ geometry: clusterMember.getGeometry(), image: this.defaultIcons[0] // to do get map id }); } else { return new Style({ geometry: clusterMember.getGeometry(), image: this.costumIcons[clusterMember.get('icon')] }); } } }, layers: { clusterDistance: 35, circleDistanceMultiplier: 1, circleFootSeparation: 28, circleStartAngle: Math.PI / 2, mapClusterSources: [], mapVectorSources: [], mapClusters: [], mapClusterCircles: [], generatePointsCircle: function (count, clusterCenter, resolution) { const circumference = this.circleDistanceMultiplier * this.circleFootSeparation * (2 + count); let legLength = circumference / (Math.PI * 2); //radius from circumference const angleStep = (Math.PI * 2) / count; const res = []; let angle; legLength = Math.max(legLength, 45) * resolution; // Minimum distance to get outside the cluster icon. for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) { // Clockwise, like spiral. angle = this.circleStartAngle + i * angleStep; res.push([ clusterCenter[0] + legLength * Math.cos(angle), clusterCenter[1] + legLength * Math.sin(angle) ]); } return res; }, clusterStyle: function (feature) { const size = feature.get('features').length; if (size > 1) { return [ new Style({ image: a2gMaps.outerCircle }), new Style({ image: a2gMaps.innerCircle, text: new Text({ text: size.toString(), fill: a2gMaps.textFill, stroke: a2gMaps.textStroke }) }) ]; } else { return a2gMaps.marker.icons.clusterMemberStyle(feature.get('features')[0]); } }, clusterCircleStyle: function (cluster, resolution) { if (cluster !== a2gMaps.clickFeature || resolution !== a2gMaps.clickResolution) { return; } const clusterMembers = cluster.get('features'); const centerCoordinates = cluster.getGeometry().getCoordinates(); return a2gMaps.marker.layers.generatePointsCircle( clusterMembers.length, cluster.getGeometry().getCoordinates(), resolution ).reduce((styles, coordinates, i) => { const point = new Point(coordinates); styles.push( a2gMaps.marker.icons.clusterMemberStyle( new Feature({ ...clusterMembers[i].getProperties(), geometry: point }) ) ); return styles; }, []); }, setMapMarkerLayer: function (mapId) { if (typeof (this.mapVectorSources[mapId]) === 'undefined') { if (a2gMaps.mapConfigs[mapId].markerSource) { this.mapVectorSources[mapId] = new VectorSource({ format: new GeoJSON(), url: a2gMaps.mapConfigs[mapId].markerSource }); } else { this.mapVectorSources[mapId] = null; } } if (typeof (this.mapClusterSources[mapId]) === 'undefined' && this.mapVectorSources[mapId] !== null) { this.mapClusterSources[mapId] = new Cluster({ distance: this.clusterDistance, source: this.mapVectorSources[mapId] }); } if (typeof (this.mapClusters[mapId]) === 'undefined' && typeof (this.mapClusterSources[mapId]) === 'object') { this.mapClusters[mapId] = new VectorLayer({ source: this.mapClusterSources[mapId], style: this.clusterStyle }); } if (typeof (this.mapClusterCircles[mapId]) === 'undefined' && typeof (this.mapClusterSources[mapId]) === 'object') { this.mapClusterCircles[mapId] = new VectorLayer({ source: this.mapClusterSources[mapId], style: this.clusterCircleStyle }); } if (this.mapVectorSources[mapId] !== null) { a2gMaps.layers.mapLayers[mapId].push(this.mapClusters[mapId]); a2gMaps.layers.mapLayers[mapId].push(this.mapClusterCircles[mapId]); } // a2gMaps.mapObjects[mapId].getView().fit(a2gMaps.layers.mapVectorSources[mapId].getExtent()); } } }, clickFeature: null, clickResolution: null, fillMapConfigs: function (mapId) { if (this.maps[mapId].dataset.mapConfig) { this.mapConfigs[mapId] = JSON.parse(this.maps[mapId].dataset.mapConfig); } if (typeof (this.mapConfigs[mapId]) === 'undefined') { this.mapConfigs[mapId] = {}; } if (this.maps[mapId].dataset.markers) { this.mapConfigs[mapId].markers = this.maps[mapId].dataset.markers; } if (this.maps[mapId].dataset.markerSource) { this.mapConfigs[mapId].markerSource = this.maps[mapId].dataset.markerSource; } if (this.maps[mapId].dataset.mapLayers) { this.mapConfigs[mapId].mapLayers = JSON.parse(this.maps[mapId].dataset.mapLayers); } if (this.maps[mapId].dataset.gpxSource) { this.mapConfigs[mapId].gpxSource = this.maps[mapId].dataset.gpxSource; } if (this.maps[mapId].dataset.defaultMarkerIcon) { this.mapConfigs[mapId].defaultMarkerIcon = this.maps[mapId].dataset.defaultMarkerIcon; } if (this.maps[mapId].dataset.centerLon) { this.mapConfigs[mapId].centerLon = this.maps[mapId].dataset.centerLon; } if (this.maps[mapId].dataset.centerLat) { this.mapConfigs[mapId].centerLat = this.maps[mapId].dataset.centerLat; } if (this.maps[mapId].dataset.zoom) { this.mapConfigs[mapId].zoom = this.maps[mapId].dataset.zoom; } if (this.maps[mapId].dataset.maxZoom) { this.mapConfigs[mapId].maxZoom = this.maps[mapId].dataset.maxZoom; } if (this.maps[mapId].dataset.zoomSlider) { this.mapConfigs[mapId].zoomSlider = this.maps[mapId].dataset.zoomSlider; } if (this.maps[mapId].dataset.fullScreen) { this.mapConfigs[mapId].fullScreen = this.maps[mapId].dataset.fullScreen; } }, init: function (config) { this.initMapConfig(config); var tmpMapWraps = document.getElementsByClassName(this.mapWrapClass); for (let i = 0; i < tmpMapWraps.length; i++) { this.mapWraps[i] = tmpMapWraps[i]; this.maps[i] = this.mapWraps[i].querySelector('.' + this.mapClass); this.fillMapConfigs(i); this.layers.init(i); this.marker.icons.fillCostumIcons(i); this.setMapFeatureLayer(i); this.marker.layers.setMapMarkerLayer(i); this.popup.init(i); this.gpx.init(i); this.setMapObject(i); this.setMapClickAction(i); this.geolocate.init(i); this.marker.setMarkerSwitcherAction(i); } } }; a2gMaps.init(a2gMapConfig);