# traefik typo3 ## get started you will need a .env file sample .env: # .env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=PASSWORD MYSQL_DATABASE=typo3 MYSQL_USER=DATABASEUSER MYSQL_PASSWORD=DATABASEPASSWORD PROJECT_URL=typo3.localhost PROJECT_NAME=sample TRAEFIK_NETWORK=traefik_net PROJECT_DATA=./data then execute init with ./init now the typo3 first install should be accessable: https://${PROJECT_URL} if you use the sample .env: https://typo3.localhost use for the db connection "db" after the install there is at the a error. we have to set in the ${PROJECT_DATA}/typo3conf/settings/settings.php ['SYS']['features']['security.backend.enforceReferrer'] = true because we are behind the reverse proxy.